Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do mothers? health habits influence their daughters?

Wisdom has it that when parents have good eating and exercise habits, their children will, too. That link is particularly strong when it comes to mothers and daughters, according to a report issued at a Healthy Legacy Summit in Washington in late April.

I believe that in theory, but I?m not sure how it plays out in real life.

To help decide, I invited my 17-year-old daughter, Sophie, to share her thoughts on the effects of my health-related habits. I?ve also told my side of the story. The lines between my modeled behaviors and Sophie?s actions aren?t always straight and clear; the phenomenon plays out in subtle, unexpected ways. I?m happy to see that, rather than simply mimic my ways or adopt them wholesale, she has independently evaluated what suits her best. Here?s what we Huget women have to say:

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