Liposuction Tummy tuck Mobile Technology Bay Area Rapid Transit
Liposuction Tummy tuck Mobile Technology Bay Area Rapid Transit
When I was growing up in the 1960s and ?70s, snacks were occasional treats, and providing them was certainly not my parents? priority. Nowadays, though, snacks are not just routine but often required; we parents are asked to supply snacks for sports-team practices, scout meetings and preschool parties. On school days, good parents pack a mid-morning snack and provide another for their kids to devour after school.
And snacks aren?t just for kids. Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina who has spent many years studying snacking, says eating outside of mealtimes has been rising for decades among both adults and children.
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When the bell rings on the first day of school at Oak Hill Elementary in Severna Park, 9-year-old Katie Ours will already be here, in a large warehouse that has been converted to a modern gymnastics facility in nearby Odenton.
As her former classmates settle behind their desks Aug. 23, bubbling with the excitement and anxiety of a new school year, the tiny fourth-grader will be stretching and bending, leaping and flipping ? a top student embarking on a very different kind of educational journey.
Along with seven other girls about the same age, youngsters who more or less have become her extended family, Katie will be here at Win-Win Gymnastics until 2:30 p.m. every day, five days a week, pursuing her dream of athletic glory. Then she and the others will go to school, at their homes.
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progress book christine o donnell the daily show university of miami
Treatment of Overweight Patients by Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) for Aesthetic Reshaping and Skin Tightening.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jul 13;
Authors: Hurwitz D, Smith D
BACKGROUND: Patients with massive volume or skin laxity typically are not ideal candidates for liposuction treatment due to the excess amounts of loose skin after the procedure. The feasibility, safety, and efficacy of a novel radiofrequency device (BodyTite system) for radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) were prospectively evaluated with overweight and weight loss patients. METHODS: In this study, 17 women with an average aspirated volume of 1,759�ml in the arms, abdomen, or thighs were treated. The treatment technique is described with the resulting weight, circumferential, and contraction measurements collected at a follow-up assessment after 6 and 12�weeks. Three-dimensional scanning was used to document volume changes in selected cases. Patient satisfaction also was recorded. Body contour and area tightening results were evident for all the patients, with high posttreatment satisfaction. Skin contraction was significant at 6�weeks and continued past 12�weeks of follow-up evaluation. RESULTS: On the average, after 12�weeks, patients had lost 6.2% of their original abdominal circumference, 4.4% of their original thigh circumference, and 9.2% of their original arm circumference. The mean vertical contraction was 7.9% for the abdomen, 3.6% for the thighs, and 2.4% for the arms. The maximum results showed a circumference loss of 16.5% for the abdomen, 11.4% for the thighs, and 17.7% for the arms. The maximum vertical contraction was 15.7% for the abdomen, 7.4% for the thighs, and 3.3% for the arms. The average follow-up period was 13.3�months (range, 3-26�months). CONCLUSION: The RFAL approach is a viable means of energy-assisted liposuction for overweight and massive weight loss patients. Significant volumes of fat can be removed safely and effectively with improved contour and clinically significant skin tightening.
PMID: 21751063 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
There?s some debate over whether kids need to snack as often as they do. But kids don?t care about debates: When they get home from school, they?re ravenous and ready to eat. Here?s a week?s worth of quick and healthful snack ideas, courtesy of Marisa Moore, registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
Serve any of these with low-fat milk (or low-fat chocolate milk, once in a while) or sparkling water with a citrus wedge.
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Cellular Viability, Collagen Deposition, and Transforming Growth Factor ?1 Production Among Ultraviolet B-Irradiated Keloid Fibroblasts.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 14;
Authors: Wirohadidjojo YW, Radiono S, Budiyanto A, Soebono H
BACKGROUND: A keloid is a fibrous tumor produced by fibroblast hyperproliferation and excessive collagen accumulation due to overproduction of transforming growth factor ?1 (TGF-?1). High keloid incidence is found among individuals with unexposed skin, especially in Negroid and Mongoloid people with high melanin contents in their skin. Because melanin serves as an ultraviolet B (UVB) light absorber, it is assumed that lack of UVB light penetration may play a role in the keloid pathomechanism. This study aimed to evaluate the effect that UVB irradiation to monolayer keloid fibroblasts has on cell proliferation, collagen deposition, and TGF-?1 production. METHODS: Keloid fibroblasts were isolated from five patients who underwent surgical treatment. Monolayer cultures of more than three passages of keloid fibroblast were exposed to various dosages of UVB irradiation. Cellular viabilities were measured by MTT assay. Collagen depositions were measured by Sirius Red assay for nonsoluble collagen, and TGF-?1 production was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: Ultraviolet B 100 and 150�mJ/cm(2) were able to suppress keloid fibroblast viabilities and collagen accumulation significantly (P�<�0.01). Significant suppression of TGF-?1 production required UVB irradiation of 150�mJ/cm(2) (P�<�0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Lack of UVB skin penetration influences the keloid pathomechanism. Ultraviolet B irradiation with a minimal dosage of 150�mJ/cm(2) is a promising method of keloid prevention and treatment.
PMID: 21573719 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Subpectoral-Subfascial Breast Augmentation for Thin-Skinned Patients.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 4;
Authors: Lee JH, Lee PK, Oh DY, Rhie JW, Ahn ST
BACKGROUND: Among thin patients, upper pole skin of less than 2�cm on a pinch test is an indication for submuscular implant placement. However, rippling, palpability, and visibility of the implant are frequently observed in the lower and lateral aspects of the breast due to the lack of muscle coverage in the area. To overcome these problems, a subpectoral-subfascial breast augmentation was performed including subfascial dissection of the rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique muscle, and serratus anterior muscle as one sheet to cover the inferolateral aspect of the implant. METHODS: From March 2008 to March 2010, 62 thin patients with hypomastia underwent subpectoral-subfascial breast augmentation. For all these patients, the result of the pinch test was less than 2�cm on the upper pole of the breast and less than 1�cm on the lower and lateral aspect. With a transareolar-perinipple incision, pockets were created such that the superomedial portion was covered by the pectoralis major muscle, and the inferolateral portion was covered by the fascial flap of neighboring muscles. RESULTS: The results were satisfactory, reproducible, and predictable. The implants were not palpable or visible during a mean follow-up period of 19�months due to the inclusion of a fascial flap in all the patients. CONCLUSIONS: This technique, which uses the advantages of both subpectoral and subfascial techniques, can offer a high-grade result. Especially for thin patients with less subcutaneous tissue, it provides excellent upper and lower pole coverage and gives the shape of the breast a natural appearance, with no palpability or rippling.
PMID: 21643876 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
The first time gymgoers hear the word ?burpee,? they laugh. Then they learn what that word means and they groan. Often used interchangeably with ?squat thrust,? it refers to an exercise combining a squat with a push-up, two of the most effective body weight movements out there. Pair them together, and you have an overall strength builder guaranteed to leave you out of breath in seconds.
That?s why in the fitness world these days, the burpee is king. It?s raising heart rates at boot camps, martial arts classes, personal training sessions and, most of all, at CrossFit facilities. The international network of gyms that promote back-to-basics techniques for ?forging elite fitness? have elevated the exercise into a must-do for its athletes.
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A Modified Technique Combining Excision of the Levator Muscle and Tarsus for Blepharoptosis in Asians: A 6-Year Experience with 116 Cases.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 24;
Authors: Liu F, Yang F, Luo XS, Dong JS, Chin B, Yang J
BACKGROUND: In patients with blepharoptosis, the function of levator muscle is insufficient or completely absent, causing blepharoptosis in various degrees. For mild or moderate blepharoptosis, levator advancement or resection is commonly performed. However, in severe cases, undercorrection results and recurrence often occur even a great length of levator muscle is resected. Because the levator muscle makes the upper eyelid move in a physiologic direction, exerting the function of residual levator muscle is still a more preferred approach for correction of blepharoptosis. This study combined tarsus resection with levator resection. The resected tarsus can offset the amount of the levator excised, making this technique applicable for severe cases. METHODS: This study included 116 patients (175 eyelids) with moderate or severe ptosis who underwent combined excision of the levator muscle and the tarsus. For cases of bilateral blepharoptosis with different levator functions between the two eyelids, surgery was performed for more severe side first and for the other side 6�months later. Postoperatively, the correction and symmetry results were evaluated and analyzed using chi-square testing by SPSS (version 10.0). RESULTS: Adequate or normal correction was achieved in 149 eyelids (85.1%). The difference in correction results did not differ significantly between moderate and severe cases. With a two-stage operation, 98 patients (84.5%) obtained good or fair asymmetry results, and no statistically significant difference existed between the bilateral and unilateral cases. CONCLUSION: The described technique appears to be effective for both moderate and severe ptosis, with better biomechanics and a satisfying aesthetic outcome.
PMID: 21701944 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Subpectoral-Subfascial Breast Augmentation for Thin-Skinned Patients.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 4;
Authors: Lee JH, Lee PK, Oh DY, Rhie JW, Ahn ST
BACKGROUND: Among thin patients, upper pole skin of less than 2�cm on a pinch test is an indication for submuscular implant placement. However, rippling, palpability, and visibility of the implant are frequently observed in the lower and lateral aspects of the breast due to the lack of muscle coverage in the area. To overcome these problems, a subpectoral-subfascial breast augmentation was performed including subfascial dissection of the rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique muscle, and serratus anterior muscle as one sheet to cover the inferolateral aspect of the implant. METHODS: From March 2008 to March 2010, 62 thin patients with hypomastia underwent subpectoral-subfascial breast augmentation. For all these patients, the result of the pinch test was less than 2�cm on the upper pole of the breast and less than 1�cm on the lower and lateral aspect. With a transareolar-perinipple incision, pockets were created such that the superomedial portion was covered by the pectoralis major muscle, and the inferolateral portion was covered by the fascial flap of neighboring muscles. RESULTS: The results were satisfactory, reproducible, and predictable. The implants were not palpable or visible during a mean follow-up period of 19�months due to the inclusion of a fascial flap in all the patients. CONCLUSIONS: This technique, which uses the advantages of both subpectoral and subfascial techniques, can offer a high-grade result. Especially for thin patients with less subcutaneous tissue, it provides excellent upper and lower pole coverage and gives the shape of the breast a natural appearance, with no palpability or rippling.
PMID: 21643876 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Liposuction Tummy tuck Mobile Technology Bay Area Rapid Transit
Traffic science is one of those disciplines that seems permanently poised on the verge of a breakthrough. Professional journals regularly publish promising research, and the press trumpets their importance. In 1999, The Post reported that scientists had gathered at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico to solve our national traffic problem ? just as an earlier generation of physicists had done to build the atomic bomb. And yet driving on the Beltway is still about as enjoyable as cleaning out your ears with a lemon reamer.
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Correction of Capsular Contracture by Insertion of a Breast Prosthesis Anterior to the Original Capsule and Preservation of the Contracted Capsule: Technique and Outcomes.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 26;
Authors: Xue H, Lee SY
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to explore the treatment of capsular contracture after augmentation mammaplasty by insertion of a breast prosthesis anterior to the original capsule. METHODS: Through transaxillary or submammary incisions and small capsular incisions, 14 patients (18 breasts) with Baker grades 3 and 4 capsular contractures had their breast implants removed and repositioned anterior to the primary capsule. The primary capsules were preserved. RESULTS: Satisfactory results (Baker 1) were achieved for all 14 patients during the 29-month follow-up period. CONCLUSION: The described method offers numerous advantages for the treatment of capsular contracture. It is minimally invasive and performed through a small axillary or submammary incision. It is simple, offers little trauma, has less bleeding, and results in a good outcome based on our follow-up assessment in the medium term. It is our preferred method for the treatment of capsular contracture.
PMID: 21614660 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Warren Buffett david cross progress book christine o donnell
progress book christine o donnell the daily show university of miami
Preservation of the Nasal Valve Area With a Lateral Crural Hinged Flap: A Cadaveric Study.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Aug 19;
Authors: Sazgar AA, Woodard C, Most SP
BACKGROUND: Overresection of the lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages is referred to as the most common cause of nasal valve collapse after rhinoplasty. The modern approach to functional rhinoplasty recognizes the importance of the tip framework's structural integrity and preserves tip support. METHODS: Traditional cephalic resections of lateral crura were performed on one side of five adult cadaver noses. On the opposite sides, hinged flaps of lateral crura were created. The noses were cross-sectioned at or near the internal nasal valve level, and the difference between the two sides was described. RESULTS: The study findings demonstrated improvement in the postoperation nasal valve area of the hinged flap side compared with the cephalic trim side. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study showed that the hinged flap is an option in nasal tip reduction surgery that may provide improved long-term aesthetic and functional outcomes through preservation of the nasal valve area.
PMID: 21853403 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Warren Buffett david cross progress book christine o donnell
Danielle Dobin likes to participate in a variety of activities at the Equinox health club in Bethesda, everything from Pilates to cycling to swimming. But there?s one thing you won?t ever see the 38-year-old doing: pulling up her pants.
Tired of exposing her bellybutton while practicing her yoga headstands, and fed up with her pants falling off her rear end during sets of squats, the former lawyer and real estate developer set out to find her ideal workout outfit. She wanted better coverage, fabric that moved with her instead of slipping and support around her waist for a sleeker appearance.
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Evading a Surgical Pitfall: Mastopexy--Augmentation Made Simple.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 11;
Authors: Tessone A, Millet E, Weissman O, Stavrou D, Nardini G, Liran A, Winkler E
Many women have a dwindled ptotic breast. The surgical solution for these two concurring problems has two separate procedures: augmentation and mastopexy. Combining these two procedure into one surgery is considered unpredictable and avoided by many physicians. This study presents a revised mastopexy-augmentation technique found to be safer and more simple, enabling these two procedures to be performed together. A retrospective review of 60 patients who underwent surgery by a single surgeon is presented. The presented method has yielded a relatively low reoperation rate of 10% and a high satisfaction rate.
PMID: 21559990 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Micro- and Macroscopic Structural Modification of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue After Bariatric Surgery.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 8;
Authors: D'Ettorre M, Gniuli D, Bracaglia R, Tambasco D, Mingrone G, Gentileschi S, Massi G
PMID: 21656061 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Liposuction Tummy tuck Mobile Technology Bay Area Rapid Transit
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Micro- and Macroscopic Structural Modification of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue After Bariatric Surgery.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 8;
Authors: D'Ettorre M, Gniuli D, Bracaglia R, Tambasco D, Mingrone G, Gentileschi S, Massi G
PMID: 21656061 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Getting too little sleep can have all kinds of negative consequences, including making you cranky and impairing your driving. A growing body of evidence suggests an addition to that list might be in order: Lack of sleep might also make you fat.
The intriguing prospect that sleep duration may play a role in how much we weigh has researchers busily conducting studies to tease out the potential relationship between shut-eye and BMI.
Although it might seem intuitive that under-sleeping leads to overeating, science hasn?t yet found a direct cause-and-effect relationship between lack of sleep and being overweight. ?There is a very, very strong link,? says Jim Hill, director of the Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center at the University of Colorado and a spokesman for the American Society for Nutrition. ?People with sleep problems tend to have obesity. Why? That?s where the research is.?
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The first time gymgoers hear the word ?burpee,? they laugh. Then they learn what that word means and they groan. Often used interchangeably with ?squat thrust,? it refers to an exercise combining a squat with a push-up, two of the most effective body weight movements out there. Pair them together, and you have an overall strength builder guaranteed to leave you out of breath in seconds.
That?s why in the fitness world these days, the burpee is king. It?s raising heart rates at boot camps, martial arts classes, personal training sessions and, most of all, at CrossFit facilities. The international network of gyms that promote back-to-basics techniques for ?forging elite fitness? have elevated the exercise into a must-do for its athletes.
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david cross progress book christine o donnell the daily show
Treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis With Botulinum Toxin: A Single Surgeon's Experience With 53 Consecutive Patients.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 11;
Authors: Doft MA, Kasten JL, Ascherman JA
BACKGROUND: Axillary hyperhidrosis is a debilitating disease that affects the social and occupational lives of many Americans. It can be treated with subdermal injections of botulinum toxin. This study aimed to determine the interval between injections during which patients are symptom free and whether that interval varies depending on the number of treatments a patient has received. METHODS: The study enrolled all the patients treated with botulinum toxin for axillary hyperhidrosis by the senior author between 2004 and 2010. Patient responses to the treatment with regard to both satisfaction and length of the symptom-free interval were collected prospectively and analyzed. An in-depth PubMed search was performed through July 2010 to compile the published data on using botulinum toxin injections to treat axillary hyperhidrosis. These data served as a benchmark to which the trends at our institution were compared. RESULTS: The 53 patients included in the study had an average age of 29�years, and 64% were women. Of the 53 patients, 23 (43%) underwent multiple injections of botulinum toxin. The average symptom-free interval was 261�days. There was no statistically significant difference in symptom-free intervals after multiple treatments. Patient satisfaction rates were very high, similar to the high degrees of satisfaction found in the published data. CONCLUSION: Botulinum toxin injections provide an effective treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis with a rapid onset and high patient satisfaction. Many patients have a symptom-free interval of 6-9�months after each botulinum toxin injection. This interval does not change significantly after multiple treatments.
PMID: 21559989 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Principles of Hatchet-Skin Flap for Repair of Tissue Defects on the Cheek.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Jun 8;
Authors: Zhi-Guo W, Quan-Chen X, Rui-Xia K, Zhen-Yu C, Ran H
BACKGROUND: To date, cheek reconstruction remains a challenge for plastic surgeons. This report presents the authors' cheek reconstruction technique with different types of hatchet-skin flaps, which provides satisfactory results. METHODS: The cheek area was divided into three parts (P1, P2, and P3), with vertical lines passing through the medial and lateral canthus. Different types of hatchet-skin flaps were used to repair the tissue defects in each part. The study population consisted of 29 patients divided into three groups according to the location of the defect (G1, G2, and G3). Patient satisfaction was evaluated 1�year after the operation using a questionnaire concerning five important aspects: color match, texture match, scar visibility, morbidity, and function. RESULTS: The 29 patients (17 men and 12 women) ranged in age from 19 to 81�years. The sizes of the defects ranged from 1.5�נ1.5 to 2.5�נ3.5�cm. All the flaps survived. The patients' ages and defect sizes did not differ between the three groups. The mean rating of each evaluation was high in all three groups. The mean rating for scar visibility on a 5-point scale was significantly lower for G1 than for G3. CONCLUSION: The hatchet-skin flap procedure is a versatile technique for the repair of medium defects in the three parts of the cheek. The defects in each part of the cheek should be repaired separately depending on the characteristics of the natural lines.
PMID: 21656062 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
david cross progress book christine o donnell the daily show
My son?s name is Charlie. But lately I?ve come to think of him as The Gaping Maw.
At 14, Charlie?s 5-foot-8, having grown about two inches in each of the past five years. Many mornings he comes down to breakfast looking taller than he?d been the night before. And although he has plenty of interests, his primary activity lately seems to be scavenging for food.
Like many of us, when he gets hungry, he gets grumpy. So, to avoid that unpleasantness, and to fuel his physical growth, I try to keep him amply fed. But I?ve found that, in the effort to keep him full, my normal nutrition standards often fall by the wayside. Plus, I?m going broke!
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david cross progress book christine o donnell the daily show
Wisdom has it that when parents have good eating and exercise habits, their children will, too. That link is particularly strong when it comes to mothers and daughters, according to a report issued at a Healthy Legacy Summit in Washington in late April.
I believe that in theory, but I?m not sure how it plays out in real life.
To help decide, I invited my 17-year-old daughter, Sophie, to share her thoughts on the effects of my health-related habits. I?ve also told my side of the story. The lines between my modeled behaviors and Sophie?s actions aren?t always straight and clear; the phenomenon plays out in subtle, unexpected ways. I?m happy to see that, rather than simply mimic my ways or adopt them wholesale, she has independently evaluated what suits her best. Here?s what we Huget women have to say:
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Photogrammetric Analysis of Soft Tissue Facial Profile in Turkish Rhinoplasty Population.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Apr 13;
Authors: Gode S, Tiris FS, Akyildiz S, Apaydin F
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the facial photogrammetric analysis results of the Turkish population who are pleased with their facial appearance with the facial analysis data of patients who underwent rhinoplasty in order to find the most prominent objective facial measurements that lead patients to surgical correction of the nose. METHODS: Forty rhinoplasty patients (20M, 20F) and 40 people without nasal deformity (20M, 20F) were included in this study. Rhinobase software was used for photogrammetric facial analysis. RESULTS: The differences in the nasofrontal angle (NFA), nasolabial angle (NLA), chin projection (CP), middle facial height (MFH), and tip deviation angle (TDA) between the patient and the control groups and between the males and females were statistically significant (P�<�0.05). CONCLUSION: The most significant differences between the control group and the patient group were crooked nose, obtuse NFA, acute NLA, chin underprojection, and increased MFH.
PMID: 21487908 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
There?s some debate over whether kids need to snack as often as they do. But kids don?t care about debates: When they get home from school, they?re ravenous and ready to eat. Here?s a week?s worth of quick and healthful snack ideas, courtesy of Marisa Moore, registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
Serve any of these with low-fat milk (or low-fat chocolate milk, once in a while) or sparkling water with a citrus wedge.
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